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BY: Alhaji Wandana


As the sun sets on the 9th of Dhul-Hijja, the pilgrims leave Arafah for Muzdalifah, he or she should delayed the prayer to Ishai time and combined magrib and Ishai prayer upon arrival at Muzdalifah, Ishai prayer should be shorten to 2 Raka’ahs.



Pilgrim should spend the night at Muzdalifah and he should pray and praise His God Almighty (Talbiyyah/Azkar).

However the children, sick pilgrim and the weak ones and those looking after them can leave for mina after midnight, though the Saudi Arabian authority review the above mentioned every year. Walahu Aalam.


Pilgrim picks 60 stones from Muzdalifah with the intention to throw 49 only details will be explained in Jamaraat discussion.



10th of Dhul-Hijja is known as Yaumun-nahr where all pilgrim and others who are not performing Hajj do sacrifice animals.


Pilgrim should do the following on the 10 day of Dhul-Hijja but while still in mina he can delayed his Tawaful-ifada till he enter make.
1- stoning the Jamratul- Aqaba
2- Hadayyah
3- shaving
4 – Tawaful- ifada and Sa’i.


The pilgrim after saying thier subhi prayer at Muzdalifah should proceed to mash’ arul- Haram a hill at Muzdalifah and suplicate, praise God Almighty Q2:198.


Jamratul-Aqaba: the pilgrim will throw 7 stones, he begins by stoning the Greater pillar (Jamrat-ul-Aqaba) with the pebbles one after the other He says ” Bismillah Allahu Akbar” as he throws each pebbles and raises his hand.


The pilgrim can now shaves his hair while women take little from their hairs, with the stoning and shaving one has Departed from the state of Ihram and enters the first state of ” dissolving the restrictions” known as (Tahallul al- Awwal) it means everything restrictions while on ihram is allowed except sexual intercourse with one wife which still remains prohibited.


Insha-Allah to be continued on Hadayyah, Tawaful-ifada and Sa’i..




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